Projekt per år
Personlig profil
Hellsten is a Doctor in Systematic Theology from Åbo Akademi University. Her first Master's was in Education, from Oulu University and her second Master's was in Theology from Åbo Akademi. She has lived and studied in Portugal, Sweden and the US. Currently, she is placed in the archipelago of the Åland Islands where she lives with her cat Moses on Kökar.
She published her dissertation Through the Bone and Marrow: Re-examining Theological Encounters with Dance in Medieval Europe with Brepols in 2021. In her first post-doctoral position Hellsten did ethnographic fieldwork on Ethics and Science Communication in the Stiftelsen Åbo Akademi funded Centre of Excellence BACE. BACE is a collaboration centered on developing a platform for bioelectronic activation that enables the control of cell signals and, thereby, the stimulation of cell functions. To investigate the aspect of science communication, Hellsten developed and led the research project Avtryck i det okända - Forcing the Impossible, which created collaborations between artists and researchers in the broader context of Åbo Akademi. Hellsten is currently writing a book on the challenges and possibilities of cross-disciplinary research, particularly on how theology may create fruitful collaborations with natural science projects when engaging with the arts.
In her post-doctoral position at the Polin Institute, Hellsten leads the project The Praxis of Social Imaginaries - a Theo-artistic Intervention for Transdisciplinary Research. This project works in tandem with the Nordic Summer University study circle The Praxis of Social Imaginaries. Cosmologies, Othering and Liminality, which Hellsten co-hosts together with historian and dance researcher Lindsey Drury (PhD, Freie Universität Berlin/ University of Kent) from 2023 to 2025.
The larger project aims to create a platform for transdisciplinary research collaborations that simultaneously train scholars in science communication and investigate the relationship between praxis and social imaginaries in reading medieval travel accounts while critically inquiring about histories of othering and racialisation. The project was enabled by the Nordic Summer University's winter and summer symposia, where artists and activists join scholars in co-creating knowledge and artistic performances. From the summer of 2025, the project will work more closely together with the new Centre of Excellence: Sustainable Ocean Sciences (SOS) at Åbo Akademi Foundation. In that collaboration philosopher and artistic researcher Eduardo Abrantes (PhD, Roskilde University), works with questions of migration of knowledge between the past and present and different research fields. Furthermore, theologian Shilulina Jamir (India) collaborates with us in the inquiries we do into creating theo-artistic interventions that are open to Indigenous epistemologies.
Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål för hållbar utveckling (SDG:er)
2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 globala mål för en hållbar utveckling (SDG:er), för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera framgång för alla. Denna personens arbete bidrar till följande SDG(:er):
Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation
Magister, Teologi
2004 → 2012
Magister, In Education - International Program, University of Oulu
2000 → 2008
Externa befattningar
Student, Sámi University College
aug. 2022 → dec. 2022
Student, Sámi University College
sep. 2021 → …
- BJ Ethics
- BL Religion
- BR Christianity
- BV1460 Religious Education
- BT Doctrinal Theology
- D111 Medieval History
- D051 Ancient History
- NX Arts in general
- LB2300 Higher Education
- LB2361 Curriculum
- 1 Liknande profiler
Samarbeten och ledande forskningsområden under de senaste fem åren
The Praxis of Social Imaginaries. Cosmologies, Othering and Liminality
Hellsten, L. (Ansvarig forskare) & Drury, L. (Ansvarig forskare)
Svenska kulturfonden, Otto A. Malm Foundation, Nordplus Horizontal
01/01/23 → 31/12/25
Projekt: Övrig
Forcing the Impossible - Avtryck i det Okända
Hellsten, L. (Ansvarig forskare), Långbacka, U. (CoI), Törnroos-Remes, A. (CoI), Österbacka, R. (CoI), Slotte Russo, P. (CoI), Lindfelt, M. (CoPI), Huynh, T. P. (CoI), Jacquemet, G. (CoI), Weckman, J.-K. (CoI), Berger, F. (CoI), Silagadze, N. (CoI), Raar, M. (CoI), Andersson, J.-E. (CoI), Runeberg, R. (CoI), Ringbom, A. (CoI), Da Costa Custodio, L. (CoI) & Sahlgren, C. (CoI)
01/01/20 → 31/08/22
Projekt: Stiftelser och fonder
BACE: Center of Excellence in Bioelectronic Activation of Cell Functions
Österbacka, R. (Ansvarig forskare), Sjöqvist, M. (CoPI), Sahlgren, C. (CoPI), Torsi, L. (CoPI), Lindfelt, M. (CoPI), Hellsten, L. (CoI), Tewari, A. (CoI), Luukkonen, A. (CoI), Martinez Klimova, E. (CoI), Schmit, A. (CoI), Eklund, A. (CoI) & Gounani, Z. (CoI)
01/03/19 → 31/12/23
Projekt: Stiftelser och fonder
Many Voices and Tipping Point: Two Case Studies of Art and Science Collaborations as Processes of Knowledge Production
Hellsten, L. & Berger, F., nov. 2023, Understanding Marine Changes: Environmental Knowledge and Methods of Research. Jetoo, S., Kouri, J., Laine, S., Tynkkynen, N. & Törnroos, A. (red.). Edward Elgar, s. 154-174Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
A Dance Manifest
Hellsten, L., 25 maj 2023, Shaping the Assembly: How our buildings form us in worship. O’Loughlin, T. (red.). Messenger PublicationsForskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Professionell
Dance as a liberating practice into divine darkness? A systematic theologian re-reads Philo of Alexandria’s descriptions of dance
Hellsten, L., sep. 2023, I: Postmedieval . 14, 2-3, s. 345-369Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Öppen tillgångFil1 Citeringar (Scopus)85 Nedladdningar (Pure) -
The Liminal Space of Medieval Dance Practices: The Case of St. Eluned’s Feast Day
Hellsten, L., 22 aug. 2022, I: Arts. 11, 79, s. 1-31Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Öppen tillgångFil66 Nedladdningar (Pure) -
Artistic Imagination and Social Imaginaries - Polysemous Readings of Historical Travelling Accounts
Hellsten, L. (Redaktör) & Abrantes, E. (Redaktör), apr. 2025, (Förbereds) I: Arts.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Specialutgåva › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Historiska & teologiska rötter till kroppsbön och dans i västkristliga traditioner
Hellsten, L. (Inbjuden talare)
21 sep. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Publikt eller inbjudet tal
Intersections of Art and Science
Hellsten, L. (Inbjuden talare) & Abrantes, E. (Inbjuden talare)
10 sep. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Publikt eller inbjudet tal
Transdisciplinary Knowledge Co-creation in the Sustainability Transition
Hellsten, L. (Medverkande), Tynkkynen, N. (Inbjuden talare), Laine, V. (Inbjuden talare), Rantala, N. (Inbjuden talare), Elfving, T. (Talare) & Kuni, V. (Inbjuden talare)
10 sep. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Publikt eller inbjudet tal
Liturgisk Verkstad: Kroppsspråk inför Guds ansikte
Hellsten, L. (Inbjuden talare)
16 aug. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Publikt eller inbjudet tal
Bartolomé de las Casas and Indigenous human rights
Hellsten, L. (Organisatör) & Blumgrund, I. (Deltagare)
29 juli 2024 → 5 aug. 2024Aktivitet: Deltagande i eller organisering av evenemang › Deltagande i konferens, arbetsseminarium, ...
Nordic Summer University Summer Session @Løgumkloster
Walden, H. H., Hellsten, L. & Drury, L.
1 Mediabidrag
Press/media: Synlighet i sociala medier
Många röster hörs i demokratin
Hellsten, L., Berger, F. & Silagadze, N.
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Forskarnatten - Researcher's Night
Hellsten, L. (Deltagare)
Genomslag: Kulturella genomslag, Genomslag på livskvalitet, Övriga genomslag