Personlig profil


Doctoral researcher in Health Sciences at Åbo Akademi, Vasa. M.H.Sc. PHN, RN. I have vast experience as a PHN at Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County. My research interests include the health and suffering of patients, the ethos and wellbeing of health care personnel, as well as failure demand within caring contexts. I am also interested in new organisational models in health care, for example Agile method and Teal organisation (Frederic Laloux). My paradigm is humanistic caring science, holistic and person-centered care. The review of my masters thesis was "the conclusions have a clear theoretical and empirical value in the research field. The author discusses the practical implications of the thesis in a nuanced and innovative way".

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

Magister, Magister i hälsovetenskaper, Åbo Akademi

1 sep. 202010 mars 2023

Tilldelningsdatum: 10 mars 2023

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  • Best poster

    Linnanen, C. (Mottagare), 19 aug. 2024
