Aktiviteter per år
- 1 - 50 av 92 resultat
Nahnfeldt, C. (Talare)
28 jan. 2025Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
The Exegesis of Aphrahat and the Rabbis: Preliminary Sketch on Some Aggadic Traditions
Tanskanen, T. (Talare)
28 nov. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
The quest for lived theology: Introduction for field working theologians
Björkander, M. (Huvudtalare)
20 maj 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Kallelse och medborgerligt engagemang
Nahnfeldt, C. (Talare)
16 okt. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Three ideas for my upcoming chapter
Björkander, M. (Talare)
6 okt. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
A global study with the Faith Q-sort: some central findings
Nynäs, P. (Talare)
22 aug. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Fil -
The Position of Social Movements within Environmentalism in the Middle East
Wickström, L. (Talare)
13 juni 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Opening story - people not numbers
Nahnfeldt, C. (Talare)
24 apr. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Diakoniarbetarnas erfarenheter under pandemin i Borgå stift (på finska)
Vikström, B. (Talare)
31 mars 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Islam ja ekologia
Wickström, L. (Inbjuden talare)
16 feb. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Kansankirkko, mikä? Vad då folkkyrka?
Vikström, B. (Talare)
feb. 2023 → …Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Ändamålen helgar medlen - motiveringar för populistisk retorik
Vikström, B. (Talare)
16 dec. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
"Vi behöver nötas mot varandra" Pastoralteologisk utbildning i en kyrka med många röster.
Vikström, B. (Talare)
18 okt. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Miten pelastumme populismilta kirkossa? Hur räddas vi från populismen i kyrkan?
Vikström, B. (Talare)
26 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Väitöskirjatutkimus: Islam ja ekologia
Wickström, L. (Inbjuden talare)
20 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Luomakunta huokaa - tarjoavatko ekoteologia ja ympäristöetiikka vastauksia
Jokinen, H. (Talare)
20 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Kestävä elämä ja kestävä kirkko / Hållbart liv och en hållbar kyrka
Vikström, B. (Talare)
19 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Samkönade parförhållanden
Vikström, B. (Talare)
17 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Diakonins roll i skapandet av gemenskaper
Vikström, B. (Talare)
16 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Islam and Environment
Wickström, L. (Inbjuden talare)
9 sep. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Doing Jewish in Finland. Developing an Analytic Model for Researching Vernacular Religion
Illman, R. (Talare), Czimbalmos, M. (Talare) & Pataricza, D. (Talare)
16 juni 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
The Creative and Redemptive Word: The Book of Nature according to Benedict XVI
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
5 juni 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Fil -
Human Nature and Reasons for Action: Clarifying a Thomistic Debate with Insights from Maximus the Confessor
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
4 juni 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Between Biography and Paradoxography: Unveiling the Genre of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles
Berglund, C. J. (Talare)
28 maj 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Insider and Outsider: Levels of Involvement in Fieldwork among Religious Minorities
Illman, R. (Talare) & Czimbalmos, M. (Talare)
19 maj 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Universalism and Apokatastasis in Gregory of Nyssa and Maximus the Confessor: Lessons for Today’s Debates
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
18 maj 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Islam och ekologi
Wickström, L. (Inbjuden talare)
7 apr. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Falling into Nature: The New Thomist View of Original Sin in Dialogue with Maximus the Confessor
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
2 apr. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Between Biography and Paradoxography: Unveiling the Genre of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles
Berglund, C. J. (Talare)
10 mars 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Islam ja ekologia -luento
Wickström, L. (Inbjuden talare)
28 feb. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
The Paradox of Progress: Doing Theology with Both Sides of the Brain
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
28 jan. 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
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Book launch: The Law of Humanity Project: A Story of International Law Reform and State-making
Slotte, P. (Talare)
17 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Maximus the Confessor as a Common Father of East and West
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
16 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Fil -
The Place of John Finnis in the History of Natural Law Theorizing
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
4 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Liturgies as Plot Devices in Apocryphal Acts
Berglund, C. J. (Talare)
21 okt. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Islam och ekologi
Wickström, L. (Inbjuden talare)
20 okt. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Combining a German Muslim Identity with Environmentalism
Wickström, L. (Talare)
14 okt. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Discovering Creation as Personal Presence: From Logos ut Ratio to Logos ut Verbum
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
5 okt. 2021 → 7 okt. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Fil -
Ympäristöliikehdintää muslimimaailmassa
Wickström, L. (Talare)
7 sep. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Thecla, the Ideal Christian: Discipleship Ideals from the Second Century to the Fourth
Berglund, C. J. (Talare)
3 sep. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
The Abrahamimc Promise (Gen. 12:1–3) and Its Reception in the Additions of the Book of Jubilees.
Tanskanen, T. (Talare)
24 aug. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Contemporary Key Figures of Islamic Eco-Philosophy
Wickström, L. (Talare)
20 aug. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Revealing by Concealing: Revelation in Nature, Divine Hiddenness, and Religious Imagination
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
17 juli 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Fil -
The Metaphor of the Book of Nature in Early Dominican Preaching and Theology
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
30 juni 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
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Making, Bending and Breaking Rules of Contemporary Jewish Rituals: An Ethnographic Account
Illman, R. (Talare)
23 juni 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Clement of Alexandria’s Song of the Logos as an Interpretation of Cultural Change
Juurikkala, O. (Talare)
9 juni 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Fil -
The Use of Isaiah in the Eschatological Sections in the Book of Jubilees
Tanskanen, T. (Talare)
9 juni 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
Combining a German Muslim Identity with Environmentalism
Wickström, L. (Talare)
7 juni 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation
The Use and Interpretation of the Jacob Story in the Book of Jubilees: Three Case Studies
Tanskanen, T. (Talare)
7 juni 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Muntlig presentation