Vastapaino (Förlag)

Aktivitet: Referentgranskning av publikationer och redaktionsarbeteRedaktionsarbete


Copyeditor of the book: "Yhteiskunnan tahra? — Koulukotien kasvattien vaietut kokemukset," written by Vesa Puuronen & Marjo Laitala.

This title was awarded the Scientific Book of the Year Award by The Federation of the Finnish Learned Societies in 2016. The award is handed out annually to the best non-fiction book published in Finland. 


Other Finnish non-fiction books that I edited:

"Adan Algoritmi" by James Essinger (transl. by Tapani Kilpeläinen, 2016)
"Vanhuus" by Antti Eskola (2016)
"Ruumiillisuus ja työelämä" by Jaana Parviainen et al. (2016)
"Huostaanotto" by Rosi Eenroos et al. (2016)
Typ av förlagFörlag