Transformative agency and spiritual intelligence

Aktivitet: Tal eller presentationMuntlig presentation


Youth as potential transformative agents, with spiritual capital and the suitability of these youth for that role is explored in the light of three partially overlapping perspectives, of entrepreneurship and cosmopolitan citizenship but also looking at what schools can do to facilitate or impede the realisation of youth transformative potential. Exploring the hypothesis that youth in risk-zone areas are potentially ideal candidates for the assuming the role of societal transformative agents and global/cosmopolitan citizens and that the realisation of this potential can be significantly facilitated by an approbate pedagogical approach at school.


EARLI SIG conference 2021
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction conference ‘The Place of Religion in Education’,
Period27 okt. 202129 okt. 2021
VidEuropean Association for Research on Learning and Instruction


  • Transformativ pedagogik
  • Ungdomar som ledare
  • Transformativ agens
  • Ungdomars röster och åsikter
  • Andlig kapital
  • Risk zoner