Styrgrupp för det nordiska samarbetet om ’Agency for School Improvement’ (Extern organisation)

  • Karlberg-Granlund, G. (Medlem)
  • Ulf Blossing (Ordförande)
  • Anette Olin (Ordförande)
  • Torbjørn Lund (Medlem)
  • M.fl. (Medlem)

Aktivitet: MedlemskapMedlemskap i kommitté


Styrgrupp för det nordiska samarbetet om ’Agency for School Improvement’


The aim of this strategic initiative during the years 2021 and 2022 is to develop the knowledge about agency for school improvement within a Nordic collaboration. In an era where children’s right to education, equity and sustainability are lively debated in relation to for example under achieving schools, we find it important to deepening the understanding of the agency of teachers, school leaders, students, consultants and national authorities. What constrains and promotes agency in schools? How could agency in schools be understood? How are democratic values underpinning the Nordic model of ‘a school for all’ promoted or endangered?
Period1 jan. 202131 dec. 2022
VidStyrgrupp för det nordiska samarbetet om ’Agency for School Improvement’, Sverige