NERA Nordic Educational Research Association: Preconference in Network 15, Nordic Literacy Network

Aktivitet: Deltagande i eller organisering av evenemangOrganisering av konferens, symposium eller arbetsseminarium


The NERA/NFPF Literacy Research Network invites to a pre-conference March 3, 2020 at University of Turku.

As discussed in previous meetings in the literacy network, we hereby invite members in the literacy network to a one day pre-conference the day before the main conference starts. The pre-conference aims to provide doctoral students an opportunity to discuss their research with experienced researchers and other doctoral students. Associate professor Sara Routarinne, University of Turku, will introduce the day with a lecture about “Peer recruitments, decision making and epistemic positions within literacy events of taking notes”, followed by text seminars where doctoral students, supervisors and other members of the network discuss ongoing PhD-projects within the network (for information about the network, see

Prior to the preconference, doctoral students submit drafts of their ongoing research (5–10 pages). Based on the submitted drafts, registered students are grouped according to research areas. The drafts are distributed to the registered participants during week 7; in time for the participants to read the drafts. During the preconference, students, supervisors and senior researchers will work in small groups (4–6 students per group) to give feedback to the drafts.

We welcome all interested researchers to attend the pre-conference!
Period3 mars 2020
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsTurku, FinlandVisa på karta