
Aktivitet: Deltagande i eller organisering av evenemangOrganisering av konferens, symposium eller arbetsseminarium


Forcing the Impossible is a multidisciplinary research project combining science and art. Within the frames of the project, cutting-edge research(ers) at Åbo Akademi University meet(s) different artists. The scientists get to practice communicating about their research outside the scientific community. The artists get to interpret and illustrate what they hear, using their respective media.
The majority of the scientific-artistic collaborations will be presented during Forskarnatten, the European Researchers’ Night event, which takes place mainly in Turku cathedral, and also Lilla Fabbes and the Sibeliusmusem.
Period24 sep. 2021
Typ av evenemangAnnan
PlatsÅbo, FinlandVisa på karta