Waste biomass conversion to energy storage material

Glaydson Simões Dos Reis, Sari Tuomikoski, Davide Bergna, Sylvia Larsson, Mikael Thyrel, Helinando Pequeno de Oliveira, Palanivel Molaiyan, Ulla Lassi

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaLukuTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


This chapter provides a summary of the use of biomass residues as sustainable and efficient precursors to synthesize biomass-derived carbon materials to be used as anode for supercapacitors (SCs) and battery systems, including Lithium-ion (LIBs), Sodium-ion (NIBs), and Potassium-ion (KIBs) batteries. It mainly focuses on analyzing the relationship between biomass precursor’s composition, synthesis preparation, biomass-derived biochars structure, and electrochemical performance. Firstly, the chapter addresses the influence of biomass composition on the resulting biochar material quality and properties. Secondly, the biomass precursors and general methods for processing biomass to prepare biomass-derived carbon materials are discussed. Thirdly, the necessary conditions influencing the resulting biomass-derived carbon materials’ physical and chemical properties are briefly outlined. Then, the relationship between biomass-derived carbon material properties and electrochemical performance is discussed, focusing on physicochemical characteristics.

OtsikkoProcessing of Biomass Waste
AlaotsikkoTechnological Upgradation and Advancement
KustantajaElsevier Science Ltd.
ISBN (elektroninen)9780323951791
ISBN (painettu)9780323951791, 9780323951791, 9780323951791, 9780323951807
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 1 tammik. 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA3 Kirjan osa tai toinen tutkimuskirja


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