The effect of sequential polymer addition on wet- and dry-web mechanical characteristics: Laboratory, semi-pilot, and pilot studies

J. Kataja-aho*, K. Salminen, T. Rantanen, E. Retulainen, H. Lindqvist, A. Sundberg

*Tämän työn vastaava kirjoittaja

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaKonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


Fibre properties can be modified by treatment of the fibre surface with oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. Sequential addition of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes forms macromolecular layered structure of polyelectrolytes. The use of polyelectrolyte multilayers increases dry-paper strength with only minor changes in density, in light-scattering, or in the formation of the sheet. However, there is little information on multilayers' effects on wet-web mechanical properties, especially on dynamic tensile and relaxation behaviour. Tests on laboratory scale showed that the sequential addition of polymers can significantly improve the strength of the wet and dry paper web. Wet-paper tensile strength was improved 45% when cationic starch was added to pulp (1%) and A-PAM by spraying (0.3 g/m2) onto wet handsheets. Furthermore, semi-pilot and pilot trials confirmed the laboratory findings, and similar effects on wet-paper tensile strength were observed. Overall, modifying the interactions between fibres in wet state seems to be very beneficial for wet web runnability. However, the generation of polymer multilayers or even a bi-layer on the paper machine by spraying may be challenging, although its huge benefits seem to make it an interesting option.

OtsikkoPaper Conference and Trade Show 2012, PaperCon 2012
AlaotsikkoGrowing the Future - Co-located with Control Systems 2012
TilaJulkaistu - 2012
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisuussa
TapahtumaPaper Conference and Trade Show 2012: Growing the Future, PaperCon 2012 - Co-located with Control Systems 2012 - New Orleans, LA, United States
Kesto: 22 huhtik. 201225 huhtik. 2012


NimiPaper Conference and Trade Show 2012, PaperCon 2012: Growing the Future - Co-located with Control Systems 2012


KonferenssiPaper Conference and Trade Show 2012: Growing the Future, PaperCon 2012 - Co-located with Control Systems 2012
Maa/AlueUnited States
KaupunkiNew Orleans, LA


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