Structural elucidation of plant cell wall polysaccharides and their derivatives using chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques

Jun Liu, Francisco Vilaplana, Chunlin Xu, Stefan Willför

    Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaKonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinen


    The macromolecular structures of plant cell wall polysaccharides, especially heteropolysaccharides or hemicelluloses, are extremely complex due to the presence of different monosaccharides used as building blocks (that usually are isobaric stereoisomers) and the variations in sequence (e.g. linkage, branching, and distribution of side chains). This structure gets even more complicated in their chemical derivatives, when lack of regioselectivity of such chemical modification procedures is typical. Structural elucidation of polysaccharides involves obtaining data from numerous analytical approaches, each of which gives some structural information, and the assimilation/integration of this data into a chemical structure that rigorously and uniquely fits all the available structural information. The present work focused on developing a methodology for the analysis of plant polysaccharides (xyloglucans and galactoglucomannans) and their derivatives by integrating enzymatic approaches with chromatographic (hydrophilic interaction chromatography, HILIC) and mass spectrometric techniques (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight MS, MALDI-TOF-MS, electrospray ionization MS, ESI-MS, and tandem MS). This methodology will be exploited towards the understanding the structural diversity of plant polysaccharides and the chemo-enzymatic modification mechanisms of their derivatives. Semi-quantitative information about the substitution pattern of these derivatives can also be obtained from this powerful approach. The macromolecular structures of plant cell wall polysaccharides, especially heteropolysaccharides or hemicelluloses, are extremely complex due to the presence of different monosaccharides used as building blocks (that usually are isobaric stereoisomers) and the variations in sequence (e.g. linkage, branching, and distribution of side chains). This structure gets even more complicated in their chemical derivatives, when lack of regioselectivity of such chemical modification procedures is typical. Structural elucidation of polysaccharides involves obtaining data from numerous analytical approaches, each of which gives some structural information, and the assimilation/integration of this data into a chemical structure that rigorously and uniquely fits all the available structural information. The present work focused on developing a methodology for the analysis of plant polysaccharides (xyloglucans and galactoglucomannans) and their derivatives by integrating enzymatic approaches with chromatographic (hydrophilic interaction chromatography, HILIC) and mass spectrometric techniques (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight MS, MALDI-TOF-MS, electrospray ionization MS, ESI-MS, and tandem MS). This methodology will be exploited towards the understanding the structural diversity of plant polysaccharides and the chemo-enzymatic modification mechanisms of their derivatives. Semi-quantitative information about the substitution pattern of these derivatives can also be obtained from this powerful approach.
    AlkuperäiskieliEi tiedossa
    Otsikko13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp : EWLP 2014
    ToimittajatJC del Río, A. Gutiérrez, J. Rencoret, ÁT Martínez
    KustantajaInstitute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNAS-CSIC)
    ISBN (painettu)978-84-616-9842-4
    TilaJulkaistu - 2014
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiB3 Ei-soviteltu artikkeli konferenssin julkaisusarjassa
    Tapahtumaconference; 2014-06-24; 2014-06-27 - Seville, Spain
    Kesto: 24 kesäk. 201427 kesäk. 2014


    Konferenssiconference; 2014-06-24; 2014-06-27
