In June 2020, Tauri Tuvikene (Tallinn University) and Jason Finch (Åbo Akademi University) reflected on the connections of public transport and landscape at a conference on “Unruly Landscapes. Mobility, Transcience and Transformation” organised by CeMoRe at Lancaster University and the Centre for Mobility and Humanities at the University of Padua. Landscape as a topic and way of seeing has a long history in geographical, architectural as well as artistic scholarship. In light of the new mobilities paradigm, non-representational theory, posthumanism, the digital humanities geohumanities as well as work by visual artist, the conference found ways to see landscapes as different and counterintuitive – as unruly.
Alkuperäiskieli | Englanti |
Tuotoksen media | Verkossa |
Tila | Julkaistu - 6 syysk. 2020 |
OKM-julkaisutyyppi | I1 Audiovisuaalinen materiaali |
Tapahtuma | Unruly Landscapes: Mobility, Transience and Transformation - Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom Kesto: 18 kesäk. 2020 → 19 kesäk. 2020 https://www.mobilityandhumanities.it/unruly-landscapes/ |