Physico-chemical and catalytic properties of MCM-22 zeolite synthesized with varying synthesis time

N. Kumar*, J. Villegas, T. Heikkilä, V. P. Lehto, T. Salmi, D. Yu Murzin

*Tämän työn vastaava kirjoittaja

Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiin myötävaikuttaminenTutkielmavertaisarvioitu


Phase purity, morphology, structure, acidity and crystallinity of zeolites are important for application as catalysts in oil refinery, fine chemicals synthesis, and environmental catalysis. MCM-22 is a zeolite characterized by two independent internal pore systems and unique 12-ring pockets located on the surface that have zeolitic characteristics and may play an important role in catalytic processes, especially for hydrocarbon transformation. The influence of synthesis time on the physico-chemical properties, i.e., crystallinity, morphology, acidity, and catalytic activity of H-MCM-22, was studied for the gas-phase dimerization of 1-butene. The undeveloped structure of H-MCM-22-3h agrees with the fact that this amorphous sample was not active in the dimerization of 1-butene and that no active sites had yet been formed. On the other hand, H-MCM-22-48h did not show any conversion of 1-butene even though it was fairly crystalline. The conversion of 1-butene and selectivity to octenes are elucidated. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (Prague, Czech Republic 8/24-28/2008).

TilaJulkaistu - 2008
OKM-julkaisutyyppiO2 Other
Tapahtuma18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2008 - Prague, Czech Republic
Kesto: 24 elok. 200828 elok. 2008


Konferenssi18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2008
Maa/AlueCzech Republic


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