Novi trend od Istanbula do Budimpešte: lokalni zeleni demokrati protiv populističkih autokrata centra

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliKeskustelupuheenvuoroYleistajuinen


This article explores the evolving landscape of green politics in Turkey, focusing on the transformation sparked by Ekrem İmamoğlu's victory in Istanbul in 2019. Analyzing the intersection of environmental consciousness and political dynamics, the article traces the roots of green movements back to the Gezi Park protests in 2013. İmamoğlu's success serves as a catalyst for similar outcomes in Budapest and Zagreb, indicating a growing demand for environmental awareness and social justice. The emergence of a new generation of green politicians challenges established autocratic regimes and offers a fresh perspective on political values in the region. This phenomenon highlights the need for genuine adherence to green policies rather than merely the label of a green party, as local leaders embracing environmental values counter autocratic influences. The article concludes by emphasizing the potential transformative impact of green politics on the broader political landscape in the Balkans and surrounding regions.
Julkaisun otsikon käännösNew Trend from Istanbul to Budapest: Green Local Democrats vs. Populist Central Autocrats
JulkaisuRes Publica: Časopis za novo promišljanje demokratije
TilaJulkaistu - 16 kesäk. 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiE1 Popularisoitu artikkeli, sanomalehden artikkeli


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