Жизнь в долг: Моральная экономика долговых практик в жизни сообществ в России

Greg Yudin, Polina Vrublevskaya, Nikolay Emelyanov, Ivan Zabaev, Yulia Koloshenko, Daria Oreshina, Anna Zueva

Tutkimustuotos: Kirja/lehti/raporttiKirjaTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


What are the moral foundations of the growing consumer credit market in Russia? What is the way to preserve credit-based economic growth without falling into the traps of the debt crises? This book is composed of several articles relying on the empirical study of debt morality in Russia in 2014. It provides a theoretical framework for analyzing debt relationships with the gift exchange theory. We demonstrate that the main moral driver of overindebtedness in Russia is the ethics of individual responsibility and independence. Dense communities, such as Orthodox parishes, produce solidarity in responsibility, protect their members from impulse loans and promote sustained economic development.
Julkaisun otsikon käännösLiving in Debt: Moral Economy of Debt and Consumer Credit in Russian Communities
ISBN (painettu)978-5-7429-1338-2
TilaJulkaistu - 2020
OKM-julkaisutyyppiC1 Erilliset tieteelliset kirjat


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