Formal Derivation of a Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm

Tutkimustuotos: Kirja/lehti/raporttiTutkimusraporttiAmmatillinen

3 Lataukset (Pure)


Superposition is a program modularization and structuring method for developing parallel and distributed systems by adding new functionality to an algorithm while the original computation is preserved. We use action systems as a formalism for the construction of distributed systems in a stepwise manner within the refinement calculus. The superposition method has been formalized as a program refinement rule for action systems within the calculus. In this paper we derive a distributed load balancing algorithm of Hofstee et al. [8,7] using the superposition method. We hereby want to check if we can use superposition as a general formalism for developing distributed systems.
KustantajaÅbo Akademi University
TilaJulkaistu - 1995
OKM-julkaisutyyppiD4 Julkaistut kehitykset tai tutkimusraportit tai tutkimukset


NimiReports on Computer Science and Mathematics, Series A95-172


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