Facilitating foundation species: the potential for plant–bivalve interactions to improve habitat restoration success

Karine Gagnon, Eli Rinde, Elizabeth G T Bengil, Laura Carugati, Marjolijn J A Christianen, Roberto Danovaro, Cristina Gambi, Laura L Govers, Silvija Kipson, Lukas Meysick, Liina Pajusalu, İnci Tüney Kızılkaya, Johan van de Koppel, Tjisse van der Heide, Marieke M van Katwijk, Christoffer Boström

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliKatsausartikkelivertaisarvioitu

84 Sitaatiot (Scopus)
91 Lataukset (Pure)


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Earth and Planetary Sciences

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