Exploring Factors of Organizational Contexts in order to Developing Distributed Leadership in Primary Schools

Hosien Abdollahi, Abbas Abbaspour, Younes Sahranavard, Asghar Mina`i, Khalil Gholami

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliArtikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


The current study aims to identify challenges and problems of organizational contexts in order to develop distributed leadership (DL) in primary schools. In this research, the qualitative method and the theory approach were conducted. The field of the study was primary school teachers in Tehran. Twenty-four teachers chosen through theoretical sampling method. The data collection method was a semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed by open (500 concept), axial (172 subcategory and 35 principle category) and selective (The most abstract category that covers the entire conceptual space of the principle categories) coding. In the axial coding analysis, next extracted of categories, interaction/practice categories division to six dimensions (humane force and capacities, personality and professional issues, curriculum, evaluation and supervision, perspective and goals, meetings and educational courses) and the organizational context model for elementary schools in Tehran was designed. Then, in the selective coding phase, the core category, abstracted from all the main categories, was presented as the efficacy weakness of the primary schools. In the end, considering the organizational context analysis, designed conceptual model of distributed leadership for them. Results show that the unprofessional bureaucratic structure has created many organizational difficult and challenge for primary schools. Therefore, the implementation of DL in primary schools requires the design and implementation of specific policies consistent with the theory of DL.
JulkaisuThe Journal of New Thoughts on Education
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2019
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA1 Julkaistu artikkeli, soviteltu


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