Designing and Validating the Model of Supporting Beliefs and Values for Organizational Culture of Schools Based on Islamic Ethic Values: An Exploratory Approach

Abbas Abbaspour, Hosein Abdollahi, Hamid Rahimian, Khalil Gholami, Hadi Zandian

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliArtikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


The purpose of present study is designing and validating the model of Supporting Beliefs and Values for Organizational Culture of Schools Based on Islamic Ethic Values. The research method is mixed; with a sequential exploratory design in two stages, the content analysis and survey. The statistical population include 821 elementary and high schools in Kurdistan province. Qualitative data was gathered through multiple sources and purposeful method and theoretical saturation was considered. The validity of data was achieved through focus group. Quantitative data was gathered through the questionnaire in a sample size of 350 people which selected by multi-stage cluster sampling, and analyzed using structural equation modeling, Friedman and one-sample t test. The result of qualitative findings, was designing a model of supporting beliefs and values in these dimensions: 1) spiritual values including faith, piety and worship; 2) individual ethics values including chastity, solvent acquisition, hygiene and health, and moderation; 3) Professional ethics values including professional development, responsibility, and participation; and 4) social ethics values including justice, etiquette, unity and reformation. The quantitative results indicated that the model is fitting; there is a significance difference in priority of dimensions of the model, and the existence status of schools in all dimension is higher than mean and at the desirable level.
JulkaisuOrganizational Behaviour Studies Quarterly
TilaJulkaistu - 2019
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA1 Julkaistu artikkeli, soviteltu


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