Continuous deoxygenation of concentrated stearic acid

S. Lestari*, J. Beltramini, M. Lu, P. Mäki-Arvela, H. Bernas, O. Simakova, K. Eränen, D. Murzin

*Tämän työn vastaava kirjoittaja

Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiin myötävaikuttaminenTutkielmavertaisarvioitu


Catalytic deoxygenation of concentrated stearic acid was studied at 300°C under 10 bar Ar or 5% H2/Ar in a trickle bed reactor using mesoporous supported Pd/C beads as a catalyst. Stable catalyst performance giving about 15% conversion level of stearic acid was observed. The main liquid phase product was heptadecane. The main gaseous products were CO and CO2. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (Montreal, Quebec, Canada 8/23-27/2009).

TilaJulkaistu - 2009
OKM-julkaisutyyppiO2 Other
Tapahtuma8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering - Montreal, QC, Canada
Kesto: 23 elok. 200927 elok. 2009


Konferenssi8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering
KaupunkiMontreal, QC


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