Characterization of vinasse ash and ash-forming elements

Meheretu Jaleta Dirbeba, Anders Brink, Maria Zevenhoven, Nikolai DeMartini, Daniel Lindberg, Mikko Hupa, Leena Hupa, Rajender Gupta (Toimittaja)

Tutkimustuotos: Muu myötävaikuttaminen


The distribution of ash-forming elements in dried sugarcane vinasse, a by-product from the integrated sugar-ethanol industry, was characterized by sequentially leaching it in increasingly aggressive solvents: H2O, ammonium acetate (NH4Ac), and HCl. Moreover, the vinasse was ashed at 500 °C, and the melting behavior of the ash as a function of temperature was first predicted using FactSage thermodynamic calculations and then validated using a simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analyzer (DSC-TGA) measurements. The fuel fractionation results revealed that almost all the ash-forming elements, except Si, Al, and Fe, in the vinasse were completely water-soluble. The thermodynamic calculation and DSC-TGA measurement results showed that the vinasse ash initial melting temperature was 639-646 °C, and the temperatures corresponding to 15% and 70% melt fraction were 650 °C and 670-690 °C, respectively. 

AlkuperäiskieliEi tiedossa
TilaJulkaistu - 2018


  • Ash-melting behavior
  • Fuel fractionation
  • Ash-forming elements
  • Vinasse
