Att överbrygga klyftor i ett digitalt lärandelandskap: Design och iscensättning för skriv- och läslärande i förskoleklass och lågstadium

Karin Forsling

Tutkimustuotos: VäitöskirjatyypitTohtorinväitöskirjaMonografia

208 Lataukset (Pure)


<b><i><p>Abstract </p><p></p><p></p></i><p></p></b><p>The aim of the study was to extend the knowledge of how preschool class-teachers and primary school-teachers design and set learning milieus and learning situations by using digital tools in purpose to afford all children, including children in need of special support, <i>literacy-development</i>. The theoretical framework was grounded in <i>design-oriented theory</i>, with focus on how designs and settings made affordances for <i>learning </i>and <i>meaning-making</i>. </p><p></p><p>The study is an ethnographically inspired case-study based on observations and interviews at one school in Sweden. Six teachers (two from preschool class and four from primary school), one resource pedagogue and one literacy-developer took part in the study. The design-orientated concepts of <i>design </i>and <i>setting </i>were used as tools for analysis of the data material. </p><p></p><p>The results show that the teachers’ intentions for their designs for learning were focused on the <i>children in need of special education</i>. From a special educational perspective this is to be seen as a <i>relational and democratic approach, </i>an intention to <i>close the gaps</i>. The results also show that the teachers developed a <i>transformation competence </i>regarding the use of digital tools. In the initial phase of literacy-education from the start of 1st grade, the teachers used only digital tools but in the 3d grade, they more often designed assignments for pen and paper use. Furthermore the results show how implementation of digital tool will lead to <i>school development </i>with support from the school board and principle and affordances for further education and <i>collegial learning</i>. The results will have pedagogical and didactic implications on micro-level as well as on macro-level, namely for the individual student as well as for teachers, organizations and teachers training. </p><p><i></i></p><p><i>Keywords: </i>special education, design-orientated theory, digital tools, digital literacy, relational perspective, communicative competences </p><p></p>
AlkuperäiskieliEi tiedossa
Painoksen ISBN978-951-765-858-4
Sähköinen ISBN978-951-765-859-1
TilaJulkaistu - 2017
OKM-julkaisutyyppiG4 Tohtorinväitöskirja (monografia)


  • Special education
