Teaching Online: Video Initiatives in Digital Education

Projektin tiedot


TOVID provides solutions to increase educator’s readiness by designing, delivering and evaluating innovative, long-lasting mobile learning resources that facilitate digital education capacity and supports them to implement blended and online teaching. TOVID designed three video digital education programs. Get Ready and Get
Started provide a rationale for and practical ideas on how to effectively
teach online and enhance the quality of online and blended learning. Get Online
Teaching Tips provide a learning community to continue peer-to-peer
support for educators to continue to learn best practices regarding online
teaching with and from one another

Key findings

Three video digital education programs. The Get Ready video series comprises three videos that cover topics such as what is eLearning, when is eLearning appropriate, what are the benefits and shortcomings of eLearning; and the rationale for teaching online. The Get Started video series coomprises four videos summarizing topics highlighted in the EU Digital Education Quality Standard Framework such as: Designing Content for effective eLearning, Delivering Effective eLearning, Structure, Policies and Supporting the online learner, etc. The Get Online Teaching Tips video series that comprises 20 short videos with educators sharing online teaching tips.


242 397€

Åbo Akademin osuus budjetista

48 029€
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/05/2130/04/23


  • Åbo Akademi
  • University of Malta (johto)
  • University of Cyprus (Projektin osapuoli)
  • University of Primorska (Projektin osapuoli)
  • Ministry for Health - Government of Malta (Mater Dei Hospital) (Projektin osapuoli)
  • Learning Works Ltd (Projektin osapuoli)

YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet

Vuonna 2015 YK:n jäsenvaltiot sopivat 17 maailmanlaajuisesta kestävän kehityksen tavoitteesta (Sustainable Development Goal, SDG) poistamaan köyhyyden, suojelemaan planeettaa ja takaamaan vaurauden kaikille. Tämä projekti edistää seuraavia kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita:

  • SDG 3 – Hyvä terveys ja hyvinvointi
  • SDG 4 – Laadukas koulutus