Opiskelijayrittäjyyden toimintaympäristöt

    Projektin tiedot


    The aim of the project is to support entrepreneurship among students, especially in multidisciplinary teams. During the project the partners will pilot different approaches and models that aim at supporting entrepreneurial activities among students. One of the targeted results is to share best practices and pedgogical models that allow for the emergence and development of entrepreneurial competences among both students and teachers. When developing learning environments, we aim at taking into account how students of different disciplines meet and find common interests that later on may transcibe into joint entrepreneurial activities such as a startup. In the project Åbo Akademu University is developing the Team NÅA initiative, where students work on company projects in multidisciplinary teams according to the pedagogy of project- based learning, and, to some extent, team-based learning.
    Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/09/1831/05/21


    • Åbo Akademi (johto)
    • Turun yliopisto
    • Oulun yliopisto
    • Novia University of Applied Sciences
    • Centria ammattikorkeakoulu