Complexity and Beyond in Studies of Religiosity in the Nordic Countries

  • Birkelund Andersen, Peter (Vastuullinen tutkija)
  • Bodvar, Pål Ketil (CoI)
  • Jónsdóttir, Guðbjörg Andrea (CoI)
  • Sjöborg, Anders (CoI)
  • Slotte Russo, Pamela (CoI)
  • Tervo-Niemelä, Kati (CoI)

Projektin tiedot


The aim of the network between Nordic universities is to develop a new and more precise understanding of the characteristics and backgrounds for changes in individual religiosity in the Nordic countries during the last three to four decades and to create a stronger network for collaboration among Nordic researchers in the field. The core substantive idea is to scrutinize and transcend three dominant theoretical narratives of religiosity - secularization, individualization and competition narratives.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/2130/06/23


  • Åbo Akademi
  • Itä-Suomen yliopisto (Projektin osapuoli)
  • Uppsala University (Projektin osapuoli)
  • University of Iceland (Projektin osapuoli)
  • Agderin yliopisto (Projektin osapuoli)
  • University of Copenhagen (Projektin osapuoli) (johto)


  • Suomen Akatemia