Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology is one of the three priorities for smart specialization in Southwest Finland. Its aim is to enable innovations and their commercialization through cooperation between research institutes and companies in the field.
The needs identified in the preparation of the Centre for Additive Manufacturing for Life Science and Pharmaceutical Industry (AMBioPharma) correspond precisely to the increasing potential of these sectors. The project is based on the short-term development needs of companies in the field and offers opportunities for new innovations and business by developing additional manufacturing, ie 3D printing.
The importance of 3D printing is rapidly increasing in the development of bio and medical applications. Companies operating in the field have a need to develop know-how, materials and equipment. In summary, the industry needs in
the V-S region are related to the efficiency and facilitation of 3D-production and the development of new products.
Main objectives:
1. The project will improve and accelerate the product development for new pharmaceuticals, dentures, medical instruments and in vitro diagnostic test systems through 3D printing.
2. The importance of additional manufacturing / 3D printing as part of the development of new products is growing in the bio and pharmaceutical industry in Southwest Finland and is increasing the companies' ability to innovate and short-term turnover.
3. The use of additional manufacturing / 3D printing in companies' RDI activities and production equipment is growing.
4. The use of materials diversifies and leads to the development of new products.
5. Cooperation between companies developing and manufacturing 3D printing equipment and hardware components, as well as between different sectors of the bio- and pharmaceutical industry, will increase as well as the level of
expertise in 3D printing.
AMBioPharma will be implemented in co-operation between the participating organizations through five work packages:
1. Development of drug delivery products
2. Manufacture of dental prostheses with 3D printing and optimization and design of reinforcement and fabrication
3. Development of in vitro diagnostic test cartridges and test cartridge manufacturing with 3D printing
4. Predictive study of the regulatory situation related to 3D printing in the bio and pharmaceutical industries
5. Feedback and planning events with companies
The versatile 3D printing tests carried out in the project with different devices and materials produce information that the target companies utilize in product development and design. These include, for example, practical information on
the 3D printability and manufacturing processes of various materials required in bio- and pharmaceutical applications.
Development work carried out in cooperation with companies supports regulation and quality assurance in assessing future changes and directs development work in the right direction.
The testing of materials and practical experience will lead to the development of design and automation of 3D printing equipment and 3D printing processes. The development of 3D printing in a multidisciplinary manner will enable the
increased cooperation between the various sectors of the bio- and pharmaceutical industry and companies manufacturing 3D equipment. The results will have an impact on the growth of RDI activities related to 3D printing in companies and in the longer term, on the development of new healthcare products and services, revenue growth and job creation.
The project promotes in many ways the horizontal aims of the structural fund. Utilization of automation and digitalization, and advancement of design in development of manufacturing have a positive effect on ecological and
economic sustainability by reducing use of natural sources, wastage of materials, and use of harmful chemicals.
Hence, the project improves environmental competence and reduces risks affecting the climate change. Life Science and Pharmaceutical industry is one of the main areas in the smart specialization strategy and regional recovery plan of
Southwest Finland, and the project directly promotes development of economic and industrial structure and competitiveness, and support hence also well-being in the society. The project also considers equality and actors from
different cultural backgrounds so that as versatile group of entrepreneurs as possible is able to utilize the results of the project.
Akronyymi | AMBioPharma |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Todellinen alku/loppupvm | 01/09/21 → 31/08/23 |
Vuonna 2015 YK:n jäsenvaltiot sopivat 17 maailmanlaajuisesta kestävän kehityksen tavoitteesta (Sustainable Development Goal, SDG) poistamaan köyhyyden, suojelemaan planeettaa ja takaamaan vaurauden kaikille. Tämä projekti edistää seuraavia kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita: