4 Samanlaiset profiilit
Sormenjäljen perusteella Tanja Kohvakka käsittelee tutkimuksessaan samoja teemoja, kuin alla olevat henkilöt.
- Järjestys:
- Merkittävyys
- Sukunimi
Katrina Åkerholm
- Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Doctoral Network at FPV 2022-2026 - Doctoral student
Sofie Lundell
- Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Doctoral Network at FPV 2022-2026 - Doctoral student
Sarah Khan
- Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Doctoral Network at FPV 2022-2026 - Doctoral student
Ida Rebers
- Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Doctoral Network at FPV 2022-2026 - Doctoral student