Valokuva Sven-Erik Hansen
1977 …2024

Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Sven-Erik Hansén, professor of Applied Education, the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Åbo Akademi University,Finland, professor II at the University of Oslo (2010-13), at Nord University(2018-20) and docent at the University of Helsinki. Second vice-chancellor at ÅboAkademi University 1998-2010 and chair of Nordic Educational ResearchAssociation (NERA) 2004-07. His research areas are curriculum studies, Mother Tongueeducation for language minorities, teacher education, teachers’ professionaldevelopment. He has participated in and chaired several evaluations of teachereducation, higher education institutions and of research project applicationsin the Nordic countries. From 1995 to 2014 he was in charge for a project (Bed,Med. and PhD. Programs) in Tanzania, conducted by Åbo Akademi University.


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin, joissa Sven-Erik Hansen on aktiivinen. Käsitteet on luotu henkilön julkaisuja ja asiasanoja louhimalla. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit

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