Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Ongoing research project: Waves of Banishments? Regulations and Practices of Expulsion in Northern Europe, 1450–1900 (Academy of Finland/The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland) 2022–23.

Chief editor of Historisk Tidskrift för Finland 2022–26.

Most recent publications in English: 

Wassholm, Johanna, "Agitators and Spies": The Enemy Image of Mobile Russians in the Grand Duchy of Finland, 1899–1901. Kati Parppei & Bulat Rakhimzianov (eds.), Images of Otherness in Russia, 1547–1917. Imperial Encounters in Russian History. Boston: Academic Studies Press 2023.

Sundelin, Anna & Johanna Wassholm, Transnational Networks in northern European Mobile Trade in the Late 1800s. History of Retailing and Consumption 2023.

Wassholm, J., "Threatening Livelihoods": Nordic Enemy Images of Peddlers from the Russian Empire. J. Ahlbeck, E. Stark & A-C Östman (eds.), Encounters and Practices of Petty Trade in Northern Europe, 1820–1960: Forgotten LivelihoodsLondon: Palgrave Macmillan 2022.

Wassholm, J. & A. Sundelin, Rag Collectors: Mobility and barter in a circular flow of goods. J. Ahlbeck, E. Stark & A-C Östman (eds.), Encounters and Practices of Petty Trade in Northern Europe, 1820–1960: Forgotten LivelihoodsLondon: Palgrave Macmillan 2022.

Sundelin, A. & J. Wassholm, Networks in Trade. The Arhippainen Family as Peddlers, Shopkeepers, and Bridgebuilders in Russia and Finland, 1850–1940. Ethnologia Scandinavica 52, 2022. 6–24.

Wassholm, J. & A. Sundelin, Gendered Encounters in Mobile Trade: Human Hair as a Commodity in the Nordics, 1870–1914. History of Retailing and Consumption 6:2, 2020. 118–136. 

Wassholm, J., Tatar Pedlars in the Grand Duchy of Finland in the Late Nineteenth Century. Studia Orientalia Electronica 8:2, 2020. 8–24. 

Wassholm, J. & A. Sundelin, Emotions, Trading Practices and Communication in Transnational Itinerant Trade: Encounters between ’Rucksack Russians’ and their Customers in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Finland. Scandinavian Economic History Review 66:2, 2018. 132–152. 

Tutkimuksen mielenkiinnon kohteet

Finnish-Russian relations, national identity, language and nation, history culture, ethnicity and mobile trade, banishments, falsifications


Undervisning läsåret 2024-2025: Jag, en konsument (ht 2024, Öppna universitetet vid Åbo Akademi); Rysslands historia (vt 2024, Öppna universitetet vid Åbo Akademi).

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Tohtori, Åbo Akademi

Myöntöpäivä: 8 toukok. 2008


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin, joissa Johanna Wassholm on aktiivinen. Käsitteet on luotu henkilön julkaisuja ja asiasanoja louhimalla. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit