Valokuva Holger Weiss
1991 …2024

Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen mielenkiinnon kohteet

Holger Weiss is professor in general history at Åbo Akademi University, Finland (acting 2003-2011, full since 2011). He has been guest professor in history at Dalarna University, Sweden (2015-2019), visiting professor (Guest of Director) at Munich Centre for Global History (2020) and guest professor in history (Waern professor) at Gothenburg University (2022). His research focuses on global and Atlantic history (Entanglements and spaces in the early modern Atlantic world with a special focus on the Danish possessions on the Gold Coast and the Swedish colony of Saint Barthélemy in the Caribbean; international radical solidarity organizations during the Interwar period, especially the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers and the International of Seamen and Harbour Workers, West African environmental history (with a special focus on Ghana), and Islamic Studies (with a special focus on Muslims and the history of Islam in Ghana). 1. Education and degrees awarded • 16.6.1997, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland; 20.9.1994, Licentiate of Philosophy, University of Helsinki; 4.6.1991, M.A. (fil.kand.), University of Helsinki• 9.10.1998, Docent of African history, University of Helsinki; 10.11.2003, Docent of global history, Åbo Akademi University, Finland.2. Previous work experience • University lecturer in African studies, Institute of Asian and African studies, University of Helsinki (UoH), August 2001–July 2003 • Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland/Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki (IDS/UoH), January–July 2001 • Researcher at IDS/UoH, May 1993–December 2000, funding provided by the Academy of Finland 1994–97, 2001; by the University of Helsinki 1998–2000


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin, joissa Holger Weiss on aktiivinen. Käsitteet on luotu henkilön julkaisuja ja asiasanoja louhimalla. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit

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