Åbo Akademi Functional Printing Center

Laitteistot/tilat: Laitos

    Laitteiden yksityiskohdat


    Åbo Akademi Functional Printing Center (ÅAFPC) provides facilities and expertise for printing and surface engineering in support for interdisciplinary research and education activities within the Technologies for a Sustainable Future as well as the Solutions for Health profiling areas at Åbo Akademi University. The ÅAFPC instrumentation enables batch and continuous roll-to-roll deposition of functional materials with 2D printers, additive manufacturing and bioprinting with 3D printers, and uniform and patterned surface creation with thin film coating apparatus. The printing and coating technologies are supported by instrumentation for rheological and surface characterization of functional materials.

    End-use applications targeted by the researchers utilizing the ÅAFPC facilities range from diagnostic systems, sensors and microfluidic devices to 3D-printed scaffolds for tissue engineering and personalized drug dosage applications.

    ÅAFPC belongs to the national Printed Intelligence Infrastructure together with Oulu University, Tampere University and VTT Technical Research Centre.


    • Q Science (General)
    • TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
    • TP Chemical technology
    • RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
    • RS Pharmacy and materia medica
    • QC Physics
    • QD Chemistry


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