RST Continuity Corpus



The RST Continuity Corpus was developed at Åbo Akademi University and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and contains annotations for continuity dimensions added to the RST Discourse Treebank. The RST Discourse Treebank is a collection of English news texts from the Penn Treebank annotated for rhetorical relations under the RST (Rhetorical Structure Theory) framework. In the RST Continuity Corpus, the relations are annotated for the seven continuity dimensions: time, space, reference, action, perspective, modality, and speech act. The relations are also annotated for polarity, order of segments, nuclearity, and context.
Koska saatavilla15 lokak. 2024
JulkaisijaLinguistics Data Consortium
Tietojen luontipäivämäärä15 lokak. 2024
