Data underlying the publication: "Lateral induction limits the impact of cell connectivity on Notch signaling in arterial walls"

  • Tommaso Ristori (Luoja)
  • Oscar Stassen (Luoja)
  • Cecilia Sahlgren (Luoja)
  • Sandra Loerakker (Luoja)
  • Sandra Loerakker (Luoja)



This study extends a previous 1D agent-based model for Notch signaling in arteries to a 2D formulation. This allows investigation of the effects of cell connectivity on the dynamics of arterial Notch signaling and VSMC phenotypes. Notch signaling for VSMCs with 2-6 neighbouring cells was analyzed. Computational results of the 1D and 2D formulations were also compared.
Koska saatavilla20 lokak. 2020
