Feasibility Fudge: A Romanian Mountain Road, via Brussels and Ankara



The fact that a consortium from Turkey was the only bidder to build a highway through the mountains in Romania says much about the two countries, experts say


The fact that a consortium from Turkey was the only bidder to build a highway through the mountains in Romania says much about the two countries, experts say. 

Aikajakso9 maalisk. 2022

Osallistuminen mediassa


Osallistuminen mediassa

  • NimiFeasibility Fudge: A Romanian Mountain Road, via Brussels and Ankara
    Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen
    Medianimi / kanavaBalkan Insight
    Maa/AlueBosnia and Herzegovina
    KuvausThe fact that a consortium from Turkey was the only bidder to build a highway through the mountains in Romania says much about the two countries, experts say
    Tuottaja / kirjoittajaIoana Epure, Hamdi Fırat Büyük
    HenkilötA. Sencer Gözübenli