Non-conventional grammar and the use of prepositions in L2 Danish

Aktiviteetti: Puhe tai esitysSuullinen esitys


In this talk, I will first present the research project “Broken Grammar and Beyond” (BGB), which investigates and compares grammatical deviations in written L1 and L2 Danish. Then I will outline my ongoing study in collaboration with BGB on the use of prepositions in L2 Danish. The aim of the study is to identify the distribution of the prepositions på ‘on’, i ‘in’, for ‘for’ and til ‘to’ and determine which prepositions incur the most problems for learners of Danish. Ultimately, we would like to be able to compare the results to previous studies of cognate prepositions in L2 Swedish and L2 Norwegian.
Aikajakso2 huhtik. 2020
Tapahtuman otsikkoSPREMI seminar
Tapahtuman tyyppiSeminaari
SijaintiÅbo, FinlandNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoPaikallinen