Analytical and applied pyrolysis of challenging Indian and Finnish biomass feedstocks: Effect of pyrolysis conditions on product yield and quality

Aktiviteetti: Puhe tai esitysKonferenssiesitelmä


Oral presentation: Finnish Indian Consortia for Research and Education (FICORE)


OOK/HTPM. The project "Thermal conversion of challenging Indian and Finnish feedstocks with a focus on pyrolysis" has been carried out at ÅA's High-Temperature Processes and Materials (HTPM) and Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) from 2022 to 2024 as part of FICORE. The objective of the project is to characterize challenging Finnish and Indian feedstocks for pyrolysis processes using pyrolysis lab facilities available at ÅA and IITM. The ultimate aim is to provide the necessary information for designing and developing pyrolysis processes with a high product yield and quality. Also, the aim of the project is to increase research collaboration and mobility between ÅA and IITM.
Aikajakso2 huhtik. 2023
Tapahtuman otsikkoDepartment of Chemical Engineering Seminar
Tapahtuman tyyppiSeminaari
SijaintiChennai, IndiaNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoPaikallinen