African Pentecostalism as a Third Pole in African Biblical Hermeneutics

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Presentation of short paper in PhD-course


Gerald West suggests that implicit in “most models of African biblical hermeneutics [that] tend to portray a bi-polar approach” – the two poles being the African context and the biblical text – “are aspects of a third pole”. This third pole is the mediating theoretical lens that determines how the two other poles are brought into dialogue with each other – a form of “dia-logical appropriation” that connects them. I suggest that African Pentecostalism can also function as a third pole of appropriation between the African context(s) and biblical texts, and that this is a practical hermeneutic that very often operates at the grassroots level in African Pentecostal and charismatic churches.
Aikajakso3 toukok. 2021
PidettyVID Specialized University, Norway
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen