Visualizing N-11 by resonance reactions

L Axelsson, K Markenroth, Borge MJG, S Fayans, VZ Goldberg, S Grevy, D Guillemaud-Mueller, B Jonson, Kjell-Mikael Källman, T Lonnroth, M Lewitowicz, P Manngard, I Martel, AC Mueller, I Mukha, T Nilsson, G Nyman, NA Orr, K Riisager, GV RogatchevMG Saint-Laurent, IN Serikov, O Sorlin, O Tengblad, F Wenander, JS Winfield, R Wolski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


The proton-rich, unbound nucleus N-11 has been studied using the technique of elastic resonance scattering in inverse geometry. The spins and parities of the three lowest resonance levels have been determined as 1/2(+), 1/2(-) and 5/2(+), resulting from the orbitals 1s(1/2), 0p(1/2) and 0d(5/2), respectively. This level ordering is the same as the one found in the mirror nucleus of N-11, namely the one-neutron halo nucleus Be-11. Especially, the in Be-11 well known level inversion, where the ground state is a 1/2(+) intruder state below the from a naive shell model expected ground state 1/2-, is also found in N-11.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)260–263
Number of pages4
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 1998
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

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