The fast silver ion conducting solid-state electrolytes for deriving thermodynamic data

Fiseha Tesfaye, Mykola Moroz, Oleksandr Reshetnyak, Daniel Lindberg, Pekka Taskinen, Leena Hupa

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


The electromotive force (EMF) method was describedand some characteristic examples from the past and recent literature were reviewed.The important experimental procedures for a successful measurement of an EMF ofdifferent galvanic cells at a certain temperature and determination of thethermodynamic properties of chemical compounds from the obtained EMF valueswere described. A typical galvanic cell arrangement in a furnace was presented.The two most common types of AgI-based solid electrolytes, AgI and RbAg4I5,were discussed in detail. The ionic conduction mechanisms and the applicationof the solid electrolytes in the EMF cells were described. In this work, wehave also conducted EMF measurements using the fast Ag+ ion conductingsolid-state electrolyte. The solid-state electrolyte Ag3GeS3I glass and thecathode material Ag4HgSe2I2 were synthesized and electrochemical cell (-)graphite | Ag | Ag3GeS3Iglass | Ag4HgSe2I| graphite(+) was assembled to measure the activity of Ag in thequaternary phase. The extremely low values of activity of silver in Ag4HgSe2I2in the temperature range 412–482 K indicate that Ag4HgSe2I2 has superionic property. The obtained results and the determined thermodynamic values arepresented and discussed.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationThermophysical Properties of Complex Materials
EditorsAamir Shahzad
ISBN (Print)978-1-78984-889-2
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book


  • Electrochemistry
  • Gibbs energy
  • Materials science
  • Metallurgical Thermodynamics
  • Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Modelling
  • Thermodynamics
  • silver ion

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