The effects of drawing on preschoolers’ statements about experienced and non-experienced events

Mikaela Magnusson*, Emelie Ernberg, Sara Landström, Malin Joleby, Lucy Akehurst, Julia Korkman, Karl Ask

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Although drawing is frequently used during investigative interviews, few studies have explored the effectiveness of draw‐and‐talk techniques with very young children. In this article, we examined the effects of drawing on preschoolers' (3–6 years old) reports of self‐experienced and non‐experienced events. In Study I, we interviewed 83 preschoolers about a staged event. We did not observe any significant statement differences between children asked to draw‐and‐talk compared to a verbal‐only condition. In Study II, we interviewed 25 preschoolers about a nonexperienced event. Twenty‐one children initially denied the event. When asked if they could help the interviewer draw a person from the event, 13 (61.9%) children complied with the request and eventually provided several false details. While drawing did not significantly increase the average number of details, exploratory findings indicated that drawing may have helped a subset of children. However, drawing might impair children's accuracy when suggestively interviewed about nonexperienced events.
Original languageEnglish
JournalApplied Cognitive Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

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