Teenagers’ performative learning – TIE Loneliness juxtaposed with youth culture, subject culture, and school culture

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This study examines how the theme of a TIE programme called Loneliness is interpreted and understood by teenage students’. The empirical material for this study is the students’ problem-solving suggestions considering loneliness. A sideway glance is also given to four participating teachers’ written thoughts concerning TIE Loneliness as a theatrical event and learning opportunity. The study is placed within a performative research paradigm and uses post-qualitative methods. The study aims to explore the knowledge contributed from TIE Loneliness as a performative theatre event guided by the analytical question: How can the students’ problem-solving suggestions be understood as knowledge contribution in the context of youth culture juxtaposed with the teachers’ subject culture and school culture? The study highlights the challenges of young people in today’s complex society, as well as how they express themselves and engage in the culture of society. The TIE programme challenged and affected the students’ both as a theatrical event and as a learning opportunity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)40-51
Number of pages11
JournalDrama: Nordisk Dramapedagogisk Tidsskrift
Issue number1/2023
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jun 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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