Space group determination of the BaY(Cu0.5Fe0.5)2O5+δ phase using a convergent-beam electron-diffraction technique

H. Suematsu*, J. Lindén, M. Nagase, Y. Tomokiyo, M. Karppinen, H. Yamauchi

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The space group of the BaY(Cu0.5Fe0.5) 2O5+δ (δ=0.03-0.17) phase was studied by selected-area electron diffraction and convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED). The CBED patterns for BaY(Cu0.5Fe0.5) 2O5.03 grains taken from the zone axes of [111], [001] and [010] had the symmetries of m, 4mm and 2mm, respectively. Forbidden reflections were observed neither in selected-area electron diffraction nor in the CBED patterns. From these results, the space group of the BaY(Cu0.5Fe 0.5)2O5.03 was determined to be P4/mmm. Since the presence of a mirror plane parallel to the (Cu,Fe)O2 planes was confirmed, Cu and Fe were found to be randomly distributed in the (Cu,Fe)O 2 planes. The same analyses were performed for BaY(Cu 0.5Fe0.5)2O5.17 grains and the space group was also found to be P4/mmm. The change in the magnetic properties of BaY(Cu0.5Fe0.5)2O5+δ samples due to the high-pressure heat-treatment was concluded to be caused by excess of oxygen.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1958-1964
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Solid State Chemistry
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2004
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • BaY(CuFe)O
  • Convergent-beam electron diffraction
  • High-pressure heat-treatment
  • Magnetic property
  • Space group


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