Sexual behaviors and desires of inmates in a Finnish prison – a survey study with population-based comparisons

Annika Gunst*, Irmeli Ryömä, Madeleine Andersson, Mari Laine, Patrik Jern

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Using paper surveys, we investigated sexual behaviors and desires of 181 inmates in a Finnish prison. Conjugal visits, sexual desire, and gender were the strongest predictors of sexual activity. Reports of coercive experiences were somewhat less prevalent than reported in international studies. Compared with population-based data, inmates reported fewer partnered behaviors, although their desires for these activities were similar. The masturbation frequency did not differ between the two populations; men generally masturbated more than they desired. Male prisoners who reported more masturbation also reported lower well-being. These results can be used to guide prisoners and staff on topics relevant to prisoner sexuality.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-121
JournalPrison Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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