Schleiermacher og pædagogik – hermeneutik, dannelse og uddannelsesteori

Mari Mielityinen-Pachman, Michael Uljens

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


This chapter elaborates on theory of Bildung and education in F.D.E. Schleiermacher’s (1786-1834) writings. The connections between hermeneutics, Bildung and education are highlighted. Hermeneutics underlies not only Schleiermacher’s theory of education, but also his theory of knowledge. In our view, such a hermeneutic point of departure makes Schleiermacher’s pedagogical thinking highly relevant for understanding contemporary teaching and educational leadership. The chapter begins with a short biography of Schleiermacher. We then present his pedagogy discussing the basic questions concerning theory and practice. Third, we conclude by identifying connections between pedagogy and hermeneutics in Schleiermacher’s thinking. Schleiermacher sees pedagogical activity as a hermeneutic practice where the school mediate between the student’s life-world and societal practices in a non-affirmative way. Furthermore, Schleiermacher’s pedagogy is valid for initiatives around research supported, collaborative and distributed, multi-professional development of schools’ pedagogical activity culture. This chapter is published in Danish.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationPædagogiske tænkere: Bidrag til empirisk dannelsesforskning
EditorsAlexander von Oettingen
PublisherHans Reitzels Forlag
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-412-7681-6
ISBN (Print)978-87-412-7342-6
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book

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