Religion and popular music. Artists, fans and cultures

    Research output: Book/Journal/ReportEdited Book/Edited JournalScientificpeer-review


    Through in-depth case studies, Religionand Popular Music explores encounters between music, fans and religion. Thebook examines several popular music artists - including Bob Dylan, Prince andKaty Perry - and looks at the way religion comes into play in their work andpersonas.

    Chapters engage with the central issue ofhow global music meets local audiences and practices, and considers issues suchas  how fans as well as religious groupsreact to the uses of religion in popular music and how they make theseinteractions between popular music and religion components in their ownidentity, community and practice.

    Tapping into a vital and lively topic of teaching, research and wider culturalinterest, and employing diverse methodologies across musicians, fans andreligious groups, this book is an important contribution to the growing fieldof religion and popular music studies.

    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    PublisherBloomsbury academic
    ISBN (Print)978-1-3500-0148-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    MoE publication typeC2 Edited work

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