Release of transcriptional repression via ErbB2-induced, SUMO-directed phosphorylation of myeloid zinc finger-1 serine 27 activates lysosome redistribution and invasion

DM Brix, SA Tvingsholm, MB Hansen, KB Clemmensen, T Ohman, V Siino, M Lambrughi, K Hansen, P Puustinen, I Gromova, Peter James, E Papaleo, M Varjosalo, J Moreira, M Jäättelä, T Kallunki

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15 Citations (Scopus)


HER2/ErbB2 activation turns on transcriptional processes that induce local invasion and lead to systemic metastasis. The early transcriptional changes needed for ErbB2-induced invasion are poorly understood. Here, we link ErbB2 activation to invasion via ErbB2-induced, SUMO-directed phosphorylation of a single serine residue, S27, of the transcription factor myeloid zinc finger-1 (MZF1). Utilizing an antibody against MZF1-pS27, we show that the phosphorylation of S27 correlates significantly (p < 0.0001) with high-level expression of ErbB2 in primary invasive breast tumors. Phosphorylation of MZF1-S27 is an early response to ErbB2 activation and results in increased transcriptional activity of MZF1. It is needed for the ErbB2-induced expression of MZF1 target genes CTSB and PRKCA, and invasion of single-cells from ErbB2-expressing breast cancer spheroids. The phosphorylation of MZF1-S27 is preceded by poly-SUMOylation of K23, which can make S27 accessible to efficient phosphorylation by PAK4. Based on our results, we suggest for an activation mechanism where phosphorylation of MZF1-S27 triggers MZF1 dissociation from its transcriptional repressors such as the CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF). Our findings increase understanding of the regulation of invasive signaling in breast cancer by uncovering a detailed biological mechanism of how ErbB2 activation can rapidly lead to its invasion-promoting target gene expression and invasion.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)3170–3184
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

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