Poly(2-methoxynaphthalene): A spectroelectrochemical study on a fused ring conducting polymer

Beatriz Meana-Esteban, Andreas Petr, Carita Kvarnström, Ari Ivaska, Lothar Dunsch

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)


    Poly(2-methoxynaphthalene) (P2MN) belongs to the category of fused ring organic semiconductors that due to their planar structure have very interesting optical and electrical properties like a reduced band gap and easiness of undergoing both oxidation and reduction.

    Here, we present a spectroelectrochemical study by means of simultaneous recording of electron spin resonance–UV–vis–near infrared spectra (ESR–UV–vis–NIR) to probe the nature of the charge carriers in both p- and n-doped P2MN. As shown earlier P2MN is both p- and n-dopable, however, further information of the nature of both types of charge carriers is needed. In this work we demonstrate that the dominant charge carrier in p- and n-doped P2MN is positive and negative polarons, respectively.

    The material under study constitutes an example of an ambipolar organic conjugated polymer capable to conduct both holes and electrons. This is a unique property worthy to be further studied since only a few organic conducting polymers can reversibly be both p- and n-doped.

    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Pages (from-to)10–15
    JournalElectrochimica Acta
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • Conducting polymers
    • Spectroelectrochemistry
    • Electrochemistry
    • Charge carriers
    • In situ spectroscopy

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