Perceived listening effort in children with hearing loss: listening to a dysphonic voice in quiet and in noise

KJ Brannstrom, Viveka Lyberg Åhlander, B Sahlen

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Aim The present study investigates the effect of signal degradation on perceived listening effort in children with hearing loss listening in a simulated class-room context. It also examines the associations between perceived listening effort, passage comprehension performance and executive functioning. Methods Twenty-four children (aged 06:03-13:00 years) with hearing impairment using cochlear implant (CI) and/or hearing aids (HA) participated. The children made ratings of perceived listening effort after completing an auditory passage comprehension task. All children performed the task in four different listening conditions: listening to a typical (i.e. normal) voice in quiet, to a dysphonic voice in quiet, to a typical voice in background noise and to a dysphonic voice in background noise. In addition, the children completed a task assessing executive function. Results Both voice quality and background noise increased perceived listening effort in children with CI/HA, but no interaction with executive function was seen. Conclusion Since increased listening effort seems to be a consequence of increased cognitive resource spending, it is likely that less resources will be available for these children not only to comprehend but also to learn in challenging listening environments such as classrooms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalLogopedics Phoniatrics Vocology
Publication statusPublished - 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Executive function
  • multi-talker babble noise
  • dysphonic voice


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