Modeling hyperfine parameters observed from the charge-ordered to valence-mixed state of NdBaFe2O5

J. Lindén*, P. Karen

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    Orbital populations of the minority-spin Fe 2+ electron in NdBaFe2O5 are extracted from electric and magnetic hyperfine parameters of 57Fe Mössbauer spectra across the temperature interval where charge ordering of the valence state 2.5+ of iron occurs. The previously used approach that assigns the minority-spin population to a single lowest-energy d orbital is expanded to three orbitals by setting up a system of equations in terms of the Fe2+/Fe3+ balance from isomer shift, a point-charge model for the valence and ligand contributions to the electric-field gradient, a point-dipole model for the dipolar contribution and an iterative scheme for small orbital contributions to the internal magnetic field. This allows us to model the hyperfine fields (electric and magnetic) in the intermediate temperature range of partial charge ordering between TV=210K and Tp=285K, for which the one-orbital model was insufficient.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number376002
    JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
    Issue number37
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Sept 2012
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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