Mapping pre-service subject teachers’ preparedness for linguistically diverse classrooms in Finland

Leena Maria Heikkola*, Elisa Repo, Niina Kekki

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


This study investigates pre-service teachers’ knowledge of academic language demands, and their awareness of language-related practices. Data were collected via an online survey from three pre-service subject-teacher groups (studying to teach students aged 13–18) at the beginning and end of a year-long teacher education programme. Based on content analysis of the responses, all three groups were able to identify the language demands of academic tasks. However, awareness of language-related practices was vague in all three groups. Although the curricula for basic and upper secondary education in Finland emphasize the role of language in all learning, the current teacher education programme may not be sufficient to prepare pre-service subject teachers for the multilingual realities of today’s schools. The results deepen our understanding of the gradual process of developing teachers’ preparedness for linguistically diverse classrooms, and indicate that linguistically responsive teaching practices should be modelled to support learning and multilingualism in the classroom, in Finland and globally.
Original languageSwedish
Title of host publicationTeacher education for working in linguistically diverse classrooms: Nordic perspectives
EditorsAnne Reath Warren, Jonas Yassin Iversen, Boglárka Straszer
PublisherLanguage science press
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book

Publication series

NameCurrent Issues in Bilingualism
PublisherLanguage Science Press
ISSN (Electronic)2747-9927

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